Carter's Quests

My name is Carter. I am a Finance/Accounting double major at the University of Central Florida with one year remaining. I am seeking direction in life. I am searching for happiness. I run. Follow my journey here.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Predicted Failure?

Well just as I anticipated, I was letdown by my second effort at 3.1 miles. I ran earlier than normal tonight at around 8pm and as I previously experienced, running in daylight seems much, much slower than at night. From the very start of the run, my legs felt like they were filled with concrete and I never got into a good rhythm ultimately resulting in a couple walking breaks late in the run. I knew I would not be able to finish the whole loop continously, but I also know that if I don't push myself past distances I am comfortable with finishing, I will never improve myself. I managed a dissapointing time of just under 25 minutes even with the walking breaks.

I hate the thought that creeps in while starting a run that I will not finish it, but managing and suppressing these thoughts is all part of the often overlooked mental side of running. Running seems so simple on the surface (that's a lots of S's), but can quickly become complex and complicated. Running is similar to golf as there is a fine line between thinking and overthinking, sometimes it is best to just do it while trusting my training and ability.

I purchased some motivation tonight in the form of prepaying for the Track Shack "Grand Prix " series which is a series of 7 races over the next 7 months including distances of 5K, 5 Mile and 10K. The cost of $143 (includes a ChampionChip) for 7 races seems affordable compared to paying $150 for a weekend golf tournament, and running is certainly more beneficially to my health.

" To succeed, you need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you." ~Tony Dorsett


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